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Vic Hooper, Websites by Station V.com
Vic Hooper, Websites by Station V.com

Patrick O'Reilly, Padraig Coaching & Consulting Inc.
Patrick O'Reilly, Padraig Coaching & Consulting Inc.

I represent APTN as a member of the chamber because Two-Spirit People are a part of our community and it’s so important to celebrate our People in the greater LGBT* community. APTN belongs to and directly reflects the Indigenous communities it serves in Canada and is also proud to support the business community across the city and province.
Sky Bridges, APTN Chief Operating Officer
I represent APTN as a member of the chamber because Two-Spirit People are a part of our community and it’s so important to celebrate our People in the greater LGBT* community. APTN belongs to and directly reflects the Indigenous communities it serves in Canada and is also proud to support the business community across the city and province.
Sky Bridges, APTN Chief Operating Officer